Today is Human Trafficking Awareness Day,
Here are five simple ways you can get involved:
1. Tweet about Human Trafficking Awareness Day! #HumanTrafficking, #StopModernSlavery, #StopSlaveryToday
2. Post a human trafficking statistic on Facebook.
3. Make a Donation to an anti-trafficking organization of your choice.
4. Support anti-trafficking laws. Many states already have anti-trafficking laws, but some don’t. See if there are anti-trafficking laws in your state. Help strengthen state and local laws in your area by contacting your Governor, Senator or Representative.
5. Share with one friend today that human trafficking is a local, modern day issue!
Together we can make a difference and put an end to modern day slavery!
Here are some anti-trafficking websites-
• 27 million slaves in the world today
• Slavery is not legal anywhere but happens everywhere.
• The majority of slaves can be found in India and in African countries.
• About 20,000 slaves are trafficked into the US each year.
• Slaves work in fields, brothels, homes, mines, restaurants, — anywhere slave owners can feed their greed.
• Human trafficking is the modern-day slave trade.
• $90 is the average cost to buy a human slave around the world.
• Slave owners use many terms to avoid the word slavery: debt bondage, bonded labor, attached labor, forced labor, indentured servitude, and human trafficking.
• The FBI estimates that the Slave trade revenues $32 billion dollars each year.
• According to “Real Simple” magazine, there is $10.5 billion dollars of loose change laying around American homes.
• It is possible to end slavery in 25 years. Everyone has a role to play – government, business, international organizations, consumers, YOU.
Help strengthen state and local laws in your area by contacting your Governor, Senator or Representative.
Collect loose change to help free slaves (loose change to loosen chains)