First off, THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who has already given to me!
We found out where in India we are going! We will be working at the Mother Teresa Home for the Poor and Destitute ( I am so excited (and a little nervous!) to be able to serve in that place! Since I was really little, I've admired Mother Teresa and the work she did in India and around the world- I even wrote a couple school papers about her life and work :) I love how selflessly she laid down her life for the sake of serving the "lowest" people in Calcutta. But in order for me to get to that place, I need to raise money... and lots of it! I have complete faith that the Lord will provide (I was given $300 today!!!) but I also need to pay my school fees (about $2500 left) and then roughly $5000 for outreach, so a total of about $7500. I want to be able to do what the Lord has called me to do and not have to worry about finances. Will you partner with me and not only me, but also you will help me help the poorest of the poor in India. IF you want more information, I would love to talk to you more about what is on my heart!
You can give to me online or send me a check:
Step 1: Enter My Info
Last name: Lienau
First Name: Anna
Birth Date: April 5, 1994
School/Seminar Name: DTS-Community Transformation
Starting Month and Year: September 2012
Step 2: Click Student: Tuition
Then you can put in the payment amount!
or you can send a check to me: (Make checks payable to University of the Nations)
Anna Lienau
University of the Nations
75-5851 Kuakini Highway #394
Kailua-Kona, HI 96740
University of the Nations
75-5851 Kuakini Highway #394
Kailua-Kona, HI 96740
Mahalo again for supporting me and what the Lord has called me to do!
Anna :)
How come you aren't getting a job or anything to pay for part yourself? You expect people to just give you almost 10grand for nothing? That's ridiculous. I'd rather donate that money directly to the children in India to help them, not pay for some American who's well off to go... If it's been on your heart for 10 years you should have been saving up. It's no one else's problem that you don't have the money. America is in the middle of a financial crisis, we all have to fend for ourselves. I just find it extremely rude you're asking and expecting for donations for YOU to go travel, while you're not working for it at all