Even though this segment of the Back to Life Movement journey has just ended, the Lord is birthing something new in me. During the 250 mile walk, a spiritual leader gave the team a word that each of the 39 women were going to birth a movement; that the walk was only the beginning of what God was going to do in our lives.
When I was praying about what the Lord wanted me to do, He reminded me of a dream I had a few years ago...
In this dream, I was driving up to the top of this hill in a city and on top of the hill was a white church. I went inside and saw that it resembled more of a courthouse on the inside, or an old church.
Along the wall on the right, an art display was set up. There were lots of people in the church--some were chatting, some were looking at the art, some were just standing or sitting .
There were three sections of pews: right, center and left. The middle section was filled with children, all different sizes and color. My adopted siblings were front and center. In the front of the church were pink and blue boxes with lids and each box had a blanket coming out of one corner.
On the front stage was a judge with a gavel in his hand. I tried asking some of the people who were standing around what was going on, but no one would answer me; it was like I didn't exist or they would just change the subject. I knew that something wasn't right, I could feel it in my spirit, an uneasiness and fear. I finally got so fed up with the people that I stormed out of the church.
I drove down the hill and the Lord said to me, "Where do you think you're going? Turn around and tell my people (the Church) to wake up!" I pulled into a McDonald’s (which means, "world ruler") parking lot and did a u-turn and drove back up the hill.
I parked, ran up the steps of the church, grabbed the two huge doors, yanked them open and yelled inside, "WAKE UP!" The dream ended and I woke up.
What I feel like the dream means:
I feel like the art display represented that the church is too occupied with the world, with the arts (as in Hollywood/movies) and has lost its first love (God).
The middle section of children represents the foster care system/adoption and the boxes represent unborn babies/abortion.
I felt like the Lord said that the Church would rather sweep the thousands of waiting children under the carpet and have someone (the government) worry about them. Also, few pastors will speak up about adoption or abortion. The Bible commands us to take care of orphans and those in distress and be a voice for the voiceless. (Isaiah 58).
The people who were in the church are Christians who are complacent, who would rather stay in their American dream bubble. The judge I feel is God, who is standing, ready to judge the American Church for her sins of not really caring for the fatherless and those in distress.
God is looking for a generation that will stand in the gap and pray for the ending of abortion and care for the orphans. America will be judged according to how we did or didn’t stand up for those who have no voice.
I want to be on the right side of history and am praying that my voice will be heard!
"For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise... from another place... And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?" (Esther 4:14 ESV)
Anna, this gave me goosebumps!! So good!