Last night a dear friend, mentor, associate pastor and 'grandma' went to see Jesus. It was a sudden death and really shook and surprised everyone.
She left an incredible legacy of love, laughter and how Christians should daily live out Christ love... Everyone who met her fell in love with 'Grandma Pie' and felt welcomed, like family. She encouraged everyone, filled every possible need she could and was always doing something to help the helpless, feed the hungry and serve the poor. I don't think anyone will be able to do what she did in the community. She really took the church outside the building, like Jesus would have.
She supported me on my missions trips, always made me laugh, taught me so much about Christ's love and I have many fond memories of her.
Stanwood will not be the same without your contagious smile, you will be dearly missed!
He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. ~ Micah 6:8
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Monday, February 27, 2012
Training Day 37: February 27
I'm writing this post from my new laptop!!! Woot woot! (Jesus provided me with a Macbook Pro for only $300!!) Sorry for that side note...
I walked only 4 miles today, then had 2.5hrs of dance.... It was a beautiful sunny (and cold!) I had a wonderful walk in the sunshine with our dog, Chloe :)
I was looking back on some of my earlier blog posts and marveling at how far I've come, training wise. About a month ago, I walked 6 miles with Jamie, and that was such a accomplishment! Now I do 4 and call it short... Thank you Jesus for helping me train and giving me endurance
I walked only 4 miles today, then had 2.5hrs of dance.... It was a beautiful sunny (and cold!) I had a wonderful walk in the sunshine with our dog, Chloe :)
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Rest Day: February 26
The other day was simply beautiful! (taken with my iphone 4s) |
This morning I was blessed with almost $400 from three different people! I love how God works, His timing is always perfect! Last night I was praying for a release of finances and look how quickly He responded!
Today I woke up to a light dusting of snow, but it was all melted by 10:30... It is currently cold, but sunny (I've missed the sun!)
PS- I leave in 18 days!!!!!
Training Day 35: February 25
So... I DID 14 MILES TODAY!!!!!!!! Woot woot!! (can you tell I am a little excited?!?!)
I have now reached phase three of my training program for the Back to Life Walk. I will be walking 8-14 miles every day! (before I was doing core/strengthening/dance twice a week and walking the other days with a rest day) So I will be waking more each day, to prepare for the big walk!
Today as I walked (mostly alone, the first and last few miles I had my dad and sister) I listen to a Matt Lockett ( webiner, where he had spoken to us walkers, it was so encouraging to listen to his teaching again! One thing he said, that really struck me was, "Intercession is our supreme vocation, because history belongs to the intercessors." If an intercessors like Esther could change the course of history, then so can we! It's that encouraging?
Oh!!! And we are only 20 day away from starting!!! (I leave in 18 days!!!) wow, I really can't believe how fast time has flown! Jesus, you are so good!
Today as I walked (mostly alone, the first and last few miles I had my dad and sister) I listen to a Matt Lockett ( webiner, where he had spoken to us walkers, it was so encouraging to listen to his teaching again! One thing he said, that really struck me was, "Intercession is our supreme vocation, because history belongs to the intercessors." If an intercessors like Esther could change the course of history, then so can we! It's that encouraging?
Oh!!! And we are only 20 day away from starting!!! (I leave in 18 days!!!) wow, I really can't believe how fast time has flown! Jesus, you are so good!
14 miles,
back to life movement,
Lou Engel,
Matt Lockett,
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Training Day 42: February 22
So... I'm sore!
Jamie and I did about 8 miles today, which I know isn't that long, but with doing my first 12 on Monday, my lower back is still hurting...
It rained hard all day yesterday and then the high winds started last night and are still going strong! Which makes it a little harder for training, but not too bad :)
Please keep me in your prayers, my lower back is pretty sore and my body doesn't really like the antibiotics (which are helping my eye infection, but making me feel sluggish... :/
Jamie and I did about 8 miles today, which I know isn't that long, but with doing my first 12 on Monday, my lower back is still hurting...
It rained hard all day yesterday and then the high winds started last night and are still going strong! Which makes it a little harder for training, but not too bad :)
Please keep me in your prayers, my lower back is pretty sore and my body doesn't really like the antibiotics (which are helping my eye infection, but making me feel sluggish... :/
Back to Life,
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Why I am Pro-Life
April 6,
Back to Life,
Jesus Christ,
Monday, February 20, 2012
Training Day 40: February 20
Today being President's Day, we should focus on praying for President Obama, that he would choose righteousness and that God would elect (or reelect) the perfect man for our country. We are in need of a godly leader, someone who will act justly and love mercy. What if all the times we feel like complaining about our leadership, we turn it into a prayer for transformation and encounters from Jesus Christ in their own lives!
Jesus I plead your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation. God end abortion and send revival to America!
12 miles,
Back to Life,
Feb 20,
Jesus Christ,
President's Day,
twelve miles,
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Training Day 36-39: February 16-19
Since going back to the doctor on Wednesday and getting another round of antibiotics, I've been feeling a lot better! I've been able to keep training and dancing.
We have had a lot of rain here in the NW Washington area! The past few days I have come home soaked! But I love walking in the rain, there is just something about it.....
On Friday, Britt, one of the girl's I nanny wanted to walk with me! So we did a shorter walk, but the rain and wind picked up near the end and in the last 20 minutes of the walk, we were soaked to the bone! But we had fun :)
As usual, Jamie and I walked yesterday (Saturday) we ran out of time, so weren't able to do a long walk, we just did 6 miles (When I first started training, the first time we did six miles, we were so proud of ourselves! Now we're like, "that was a short walk!"). She is such an awesome friend, to walk all these miles with me and lots of the time in the wind or rain! You rock Jamie!
I am less then a month away from embarking on this walk, I'm so excited!! Yikes!!!! But... I still need your help to get me there, if you want to donate to help me on this walk, contact me.
Back to Life,
Live Action,
Planned Parenthood,
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
EstherCall Promo
April 6,
Back to Life,
Planned Parenthood,
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Training Day 34: February 14
Happy Valentines Day!
Spent the day working on that 'top secret film project' :) So wasn't able to get any walking in....
We are only 32 days away from embarking on this historic journey! Back to Life still needs to raise money for their mission! Consider donating, no amount is to small (or too large!) an you can donate via paypal!
Book Review
The Mantle of Esther:
Discovering the Power of Intercession
By Larry Christenson
The Mantle of Esther is a compelling look into intercession, through the biblical book of Esther. Author Larry Christenson takes his readers through a dramatic adventure, unveiling some of the hidden secrets to the life of an intercessor and challenges us to look deep into our own prayer life.
Going through each chapter of Esther, Christenson helps us to understand what lies behind this incredible story and reveals secrets to being an intercessor - one who understands their place in the Kingdom and knows how to approach the King and seek Him for answers. Esther didn’t feel confident to go before King Xerses to ask for a reversal of the death decree over her people. Her relative Mordecai challenged her, “For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place... And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14)
Christenson writes, “The call to intercession presents a daunting challenge. When the call comes, we may feel inadequate, unready. But this is no reason to draw back. It is in fact central to our preparation that we situate no trust in ourselves, but only in the presence, guidance and power of the Holy Spirit.”
I have sometimes wondered, when I have prayed for someone, why they don’t get healed or why my prayer wasn’t answered. I now see that my approach at prayer could be strengthened. In Matthew 6, Jesus teaches his disciples how to pray:
“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” (vs 9-13 ESV)
Does this not give us an example of how to approach the throne-room of heaven? It is also the same strategy that Esther used. First, she went before the King boldly, next, she honored him repeatedly. After the second banquet, she said, “If I have found favor in your sight, O king, and if it please the king, let my life be granted me for my wish, and my people for my request.” (Esther 7:3) In his book, Larry Christenson states, “Before presenting petitions, the intercessor looks for a time of communion, praise, adoration; a time for intimate fellowship with the Lord. This is a necessary prelude to presenting petitions”.
The Mantle of Esther has made me think more about how I pray. Do I pray just to be heard? Or, do I approach the King, first exulting, honoring and thanking Him, then presenting my request? I think most times, I pray, “Jesus, I need this...” or, “Heavenly Father, help me do this...” How many of us are on a ‘need’ or ‘want’ prayer basis? I want to be able to pray and have the kind of favor that can save a people from death.
Three main take-aways:
- I know more about intercession and how to pray effectively.
- I now understand of the story of Esther in a deeper way.
- Each time I go to the throne room, I can’t presume my position, but want to approach with humility, honor and gratitude. (Esther 8:3)
Order the Mantle of Esther on Amazon here
Training Days 32-33: February 12-13
The past two days have been filled to overflowing!
Angela, one of the 39 walkers, flew out to the Seattle area to spend some time with my family! It's been fun having someone to walk with (though we haven't walked to many miles :)
We have been working on a top-secret film project (shhh... I didn't say anything :) and I will share more about this documentary when we launch the website- so stay tuned!
Please keep praying for my right eye infection, I went to the doctor last Wednesday, got on antibiotics and was doing good for a few days. I finished my antibiotics and my eye has started throbbing again :( Last night it was almost unbearable! I really don't want to have to go to the doctor again....
I went back to dance last night, after being off dance from almost two weeks (first because of my knee, then my eye). I had really missed my awesome dance studio! I was so glad to be back and start to learn some new dances!
Angela, one of the 39 walkers, flew out to the Seattle area to spend some time with my family! It's been fun having someone to walk with (though we haven't walked to many miles :)
We have been working on a top-secret film project (shhh... I didn't say anything :) and I will share more about this documentary when we launch the website- so stay tuned!
Please keep praying for my right eye infection, I went to the doctor last Wednesday, got on antibiotics and was doing good for a few days. I finished my antibiotics and my eye has started throbbing again :( Last night it was almost unbearable! I really don't want to have to go to the doctor again....
I went back to dance last night, after being off dance from almost two weeks (first because of my knee, then my eye). I had really missed my awesome dance studio! I was so glad to be back and start to learn some new dances!
Back to Life,
Live Action,
Planned Parenthood,
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Training Day 31: February 11
Training Day 31: February 11
It was the longest walk I've done yet, and after a good soak in a hot tub, I'm actually not to sore (we'll see how I feel tomorrow morning :)
I'm feeling much better! My eye was sore earlier today, but now is not :) I know that your prayers (and a good dose of antibiotics) I'm recovering quickly :)
It was the longest walk I've done yet, and after a good soak in a hot tub, I'm actually not to sore (we'll see how I feel tomorrow morning :)
I'm feeling much better! My eye was sore earlier today, but now is not :) I know that your prayers (and a good dose of antibiotics) I'm recovering quickly :)
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Training days 27-29: February 7-9
Sorry for the lack of post- I've been sick :/
Well... I was in bed most of Monday with a terrible throbbing eye and headache. Tuesday I felt a little better, I was able to be up and about and did a few miles with my friend Katherine :) I also did a little school and work.
Wednesday morning I woke up to a swollen eye and it hurt so bad! I had a few coffee meetings with friends in the morning and had to take my younger sister (Tatsi) to an ortadontis appointment. By the time I got home, the pain was almost unbearable. I laid down and rested for a little while, had some prayer and it felt a little better. Mom decided to take me into have my eye looked at. We waiting for almost three hours to see a doctor, who told me I had an eye infection :( so she prescribed me some antibiotics. After a goodnights sleep and those antibiotics, I'm feeling much better!
Thank you Jesus for doctors and antibiotics! Will try to walk some today, but don't want to do much. It's raining :) Good thing I live in Washington, because I love the rain :)
Sorry for the lack of post- I've been sick :/
Well... I was in bed most of Monday with a terrible throbbing eye and headache. Tuesday I felt a little better, I was able to be up and about and did a few miles with my friend Katherine :) I also did a little school and work.
Wednesday morning I woke up to a swollen eye and it hurt so bad! I had a few coffee meetings with friends in the morning and had to take my younger sister (Tatsi) to an ortadontis appointment. By the time I got home, the pain was almost unbearable. I laid down and rested for a little while, had some prayer and it felt a little better. Mom decided to take me into have my eye looked at. We waiting for almost three hours to see a doctor, who told me I had an eye infection :( so she prescribed me some antibiotics. After a goodnights sleep and those antibiotics, I'm feeling much better!
Thank you Jesus for doctors and antibiotics! Will try to walk some today, but don't want to do much. It's raining :) Good thing I live in Washington, because I love the rain :)
Back to Life,
Planned Parenthood,
Monday, February 6, 2012
Training Day 26: February 6
So... Yesterday was Sunday. My rest day :) I went shopping with my dear mother and got some needed walking gear! Woot woot!
This morning I tied to get up at 7, but couldn't- my eye was throbbing and I had a sore throat and dry cough :/ no fun! So I spent the day in bed, sleeping, praying, thinking, reading (I finished 'The Mantle of Esther' by Larry Christenson- such an amazing book about intercession!!) and journaling. It was a restful day, but I felt restless... I wasn't able to walk or go to dance or school today.
I'm feeling a little better now that I've rested most of the day, but now I'm not that tired from sleeping most of the day. I hope I'm able to get a good nights sleep tonight and wake up refreshed and renewed and 100% better!
Thank you all for your prayer support, it means a lot to me!
So... Yesterday was Sunday. My rest day :) I went shopping with my dear mother and got some needed walking gear! Woot woot!
This morning I tied to get up at 7, but couldn't- my eye was throbbing and I had a sore throat and dry cough :/ no fun! So I spent the day in bed, sleeping, praying, thinking, reading (I finished 'The Mantle of Esther' by Larry Christenson- such an amazing book about intercession!!) and journaling. It was a restful day, but I felt restless... I wasn't able to walk or go to dance or school today.
I'm feeling a little better now that I've rested most of the day, but now I'm not that tired from sleeping most of the day. I hope I'm able to get a good nights sleep tonight and wake up refreshed and renewed and 100% better!
Thank you all for your prayer support, it means a lot to me!
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Training Day 24: February 4
Hey All-
I know, its been two days since I last posted.... I got a bad allergy attack yesterday and it turn more into a cold today :/ No fun!
Anyways... Today I walked six miles! 3.5 alone (I really enjoy that alone time) and another 2.5 with mom. It was such an amazingly beautiful day, again! Love, love, LOVE this nice weather- makes it so much more enjoyable for training too :)
Thank you all for praying for my knee! It is almost 100% better, it was a little sore after today's walk, but not too bad :)
I had coffee with my wonderful Grandma today- it was so fun to catch up with her a little and share what God is doing in our lives. Love ya Grandma!
Hey All-
I know, its been two days since I last posted.... I got a bad allergy attack yesterday and it turn more into a cold today :/ No fun!
Thank you all for praying for my knee! It is almost 100% better, it was a little sore after today's walk, but not too bad :)
I had coffee with my wonderful Grandma today- it was so fun to catch up with her a little and share what God is doing in our lives. Love ya Grandma!
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Training Day 22: Febuary 2
Today is my younger brother (Joseph) 16th Birthday!!! So we kidnapped him, drove to the airport to pick up our oldest brother, who was coming home from KC. So good to have the family all together again!
My knee is still sore, so I didn't do any walking yesterday or today. Keep me in your prayers, a week off has been hard on me, training wise.
PRAISE REPORT! I received $200 on Monday! The next day someone pledged $555!! Praise be to Jesus! I have about half of what I need now!
Today is my younger brother (Joseph) 16th Birthday!!! So we kidnapped him, drove to the airport to pick up our oldest brother, who was coming home from KC. So good to have the family all together again!
My knee is still sore, so I didn't do any walking yesterday or today. Keep me in your prayers, a week off has been hard on me, training wise.
PRAISE REPORT! I received $200 on Monday! The next day someone pledged $555!! Praise be to Jesus! I have about half of what I need now!
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