I know, I know... I'm failing at this whole blog post thing... I wish I could post some photos, but it won't let me:) I've tried again.... And again...
Ok... So the past few days have been pretty good!
Day 9: Today we focused on praying for our leadership and that the value of life would be seen and that the leaders would choose LIFE. We only did 4 miles today, but the whole time we were praying and interceding for our government! It was an emotionally hard day... At the end of the day, we finished all of us 39 in a big circle and prayed for justice to reign supreme in our country. Near the end of the prayer time, we spontaneously started singing, "America, God shed His grace on thee" and later we found out that a group of people who we at the supreme court, praying that ObamaCare would pass, sung that song! We finished the night out by having our backs adjusted by some amazing chiropractors, who donated their time! (and drove over an hour to us) We felt so blessed by them (and our backs loved it!)
Day 10: This morning Papa Lou Engel did a conference call with us all and spoke some encouraging words over us and prayed for us! Great way to start the day! We did 18 miles today! Ok... Not as a whole team... We broke up into three teams, each team doing 6 miles! It was a great tag-team effort and finished the walk (over many hills!) in record time! After I finished my 6 miles (I was in team 2) a group of us went to this amazing BBQ places called, County Cousins BBQ... Let me just say it was amazing!!! (I had an amazing stuffed baked potato, with BBQ beef!!). I had a few hours till dinner, so I rested and had some God time in my room... Such a good day!
Day 11: This is the day that the Lord has made! I shall rejoice and be glad in it! Today we were back to a more normal milage, a nice and even number- 12 :) ( yea, I know... That sounds like a lot... But it isn't really...) after the walk, we stretched (which we do every day, before and after for about 20-30min) then some of us girls went to the local high school and took and an ice bath! Yes, there was a tube filled with ice cold water and ice cues and I sat in it for five minutes... It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! I can't wait to do it again! After that fun ordeal, we barely had time to come back to the hotel and shower and get ready for dinner. The local church (Church in the Hills) has been absolutely amazing! They have provided us with three yummy meals, plus lots of protein bars, fruit, trail mix and sports drinks for the walk! We have been spoiled by them! Today was the first day that I have been completely exhausted at the end of the day... I about to go to sleep :)
Praise the Lord that is is day 11 and j am still blister and injury free! Thanks for all the prayer, encouraging text and emails! As of today, we have walked 140.74 miles and are over 1/2 way to Dallas! (yesterday we walked through Centerville, TX- the half way mark between Houston and Dallas!)
He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. ~ Micah 6:8
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Day 3-8
Oops.. Sorry for the lack of post! It's been hard with not a good Internet connection!
I'll try to recap the last few days...
- we've walked over 100 miles!
- we've taken around 190,000 steps, pleading Jesus' blood over our nation and praying for the ending of abortion and revival!
- I have no blisters or injuries (thank you Jesus!!)
- the weather hasn't been too hot, I mean, it's hot, but not unbearable most of the time.... The Lord has been sending us a nice breeze most of the day.
- each day after I'm done walking, I'm exhausted, but ready and excited for the next day!
- the Lord gave me amazing roommates! I'm so so blessed to be able to spend time with the three other ladies in my room.
- we have amazing leadership team for the Back to Life walk, pray that Lord would give them double portion an extra strength! (they are up late and up early every day, working out details for our day!)
- Texas is beautiful! (my Facebook/ instagram feed is, um... Overflowing with some of the pics... :)
- I feel the Lord has really given me grace this past week, I've walked every step of the way, but doing great!
-have an amazing team of volunteers that keep us going! (bringing us meals, doing our laundry, helping out during the walk and much more! We couldn't do this walk, if we didn't have so many amazing volunteers!)
Please pray...
...I have a weird rash on my face (I'm pretty sure it is a combo of the heat and the sunscreen) but its is annoying!
.... For continued strength, for me and all the team members
... For the walkers that have injuries or blisters it's hard to walk for them...
... That Jesus would continue to encounter my heart each and every day.
Thank you all for your continued support and prayer for me! I've been getting text, emails and facebook messages for friends and family saying they are praying for me! It encourages me and helps me to keep going!
Jesus, I plead Your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation. God end abortion and send revival to Amerixa!
You can daily watch a live web feed update at 10:30am, 1pm and 5pm (CST) on www.backtolifemovement.com and you can also watch the archives from then past few days and see what we've been up to!
God Bless!
I'll try to recap the last few days...
- we've walked over 100 miles!
- we've taken around 190,000 steps, pleading Jesus' blood over our nation and praying for the ending of abortion and revival!
- I have no blisters or injuries (thank you Jesus!!)
- the weather hasn't been too hot, I mean, it's hot, but not unbearable most of the time.... The Lord has been sending us a nice breeze most of the day.
- each day after I'm done walking, I'm exhausted, but ready and excited for the next day!
- the Lord gave me amazing roommates! I'm so so blessed to be able to spend time with the three other ladies in my room.
- we have amazing leadership team for the Back to Life walk, pray that Lord would give them double portion an extra strength! (they are up late and up early every day, working out details for our day!)
- Texas is beautiful! (my Facebook/ instagram feed is, um... Overflowing with some of the pics... :)
- I feel the Lord has really given me grace this past week, I've walked every step of the way, but doing great!
-have an amazing team of volunteers that keep us going! (bringing us meals, doing our laundry, helping out during the walk and much more! We couldn't do this walk, if we didn't have so many amazing volunteers!)
Please pray...
...I have a weird rash on my face (I'm pretty sure it is a combo of the heat and the sunscreen) but its is annoying!
.... For continued strength, for me and all the team members
... For the walkers that have injuries or blisters it's hard to walk for them...
... That Jesus would continue to encounter my heart each and every day.
Thank you all for your continued support and prayer for me! I've been getting text, emails and facebook messages for friends and family saying they are praying for me! It encourages me and helps me to keep going!
Jesus, I plead Your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation. God end abortion and send revival to Amerixa!
You can daily watch a live web feed update at 10:30am, 1pm and 5pm (CST) on www.backtolifemovement.com and you can also watch the archives from then past few days and see what we've been up to!
God Bless!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Update: day two (March 18)
Ok, it feels like I've been gone for a week or more... But it's only been 4 days!
So... It ends up that we walked 13 miles yesterday (not 12 like we had all thought..) and then 13.5 today! And I feel great! A little sore, but I feel amazing, so grateful for that.
I did get a little sunburned on the back of my neck (don't worry mama, I got aloe at Walmart today :) Walmart... That was an experience... We had 16 min to go into Walmart and get what we needed, picture 39 women racing through a store... Yeah, it was fun!
Well, it's already late, I was planning on getting to sleep early, but it's almost 11pm... Yeikes!
Everyday at 10:30am, 1pm and 5pm (CST) www.backtolifemovement.com has a live video broadcast from the road, tune in and watch!
Goodnight y'all!
So... It ends up that we walked 13 miles yesterday (not 12 like we had all thought..) and then 13.5 today! And I feel great! A little sore, but I feel amazing, so grateful for that.
I did get a little sunburned on the back of my neck (don't worry mama, I got aloe at Walmart today :) Walmart... That was an experience... We had 16 min to go into Walmart and get what we needed, picture 39 women racing through a store... Yeah, it was fun!
Well, it's already late, I was planning on getting to sleep early, but it's almost 11pm... Yeikes!
Everyday at 10:30am, 1pm and 5pm (CST) www.backtolifemovement.com has a live video broadcast from the road, tune in and watch!
Goodnight y'all!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Update: day one
WE DID IT!! 12 miles down, it took us a little longer then normal, because we started off at Planned Parenthood with a press conference. Then we walked and walked and walked, 12 miles! It was hot, we walked through the getto (don't tell my mom!). It reminded me of my missions trip in South America... But we made it!!
Pray for strength, this is day 1 of 21- so 20 left, and I'm already tired! But no blisters or any injuries! (one of my roommates had 5 blisters!)
Pray for strength, this is day 1 of 21- so 20 left, and I'm already tired! But no blisters or any injuries! (one of my roommates had 5 blisters!)
Friday, March 16, 2012
Update: March 16
Wow, what a day!
Woke up, had breakfast at the hotel, then a team meeting and stretching. We hopped on our bus, drove about 20min to a park. We did a team photo then did a short 4ish mile walk :) So good to walk with all 38 other girls!! Woot woot!
Then we went back to the hotel, stretched and ate lunch and did a short meeting :)
We had a couple hours off, then went to New Life Church for the Back to Life Walk Launch. Papa Lou Engel and other Mordecai's prayed and spoke encouraging words over us walkers. Near the end of the night, the leaders gathered and did a fire tunnel. Each walker walked through these leaders and fathers and mothers in this movement- they blessed us and prayed over us. It was so incredible, I felt the presences of God so strongly, words can't describe it. My heart is full!! I now feel ready to embark tomorrow on our journey!
They recorded The Back to Life Movement Launch, you can watch it at www.backtolifemovement.com
Woke up, had breakfast at the hotel, then a team meeting and stretching. We hopped on our bus, drove about 20min to a park. We did a team photo then did a short 4ish mile walk :) So good to walk with all 38 other girls!! Woot woot!
Then we went back to the hotel, stretched and ate lunch and did a short meeting :)
We had a couple hours off, then went to New Life Church for the Back to Life Walk Launch. Papa Lou Engel and other Mordecai's prayed and spoke encouraging words over us walkers. Near the end of the night, the leaders gathered and did a fire tunnel. Each walker walked through these leaders and fathers and mothers in this movement- they blessed us and prayed over us. It was so incredible, I felt the presences of God so strongly, words can't describe it. My heart is full!! I now feel ready to embark tomorrow on our journey!
They recorded The Back to Life Movement Launch, you can watch it at www.backtolifemovement.com
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Update: In Houston!
I made it safe and sound to beautiful, sunny, hot Texas!! Such a change in weather from 38 degrees in Seattle... So good to be here!
Elisha (she is from Alaska, we were able to meet up at the Seattle airport, she is same age and one of the walkers) and I had a non-stop flight from Seattle to Houston, we're picked up by some amazing volunteers (a older couple) who took us out to lunch and then dropped us off at the hotel where all the other girls were. So good to finally be able to see the girls in person! I kept hearing people saying, "it feels surreal..." and it does! We had a big family dinner and then a big family meeting and then we prayed together and it was so amazing! I feel so, so connected with everyone (plus I have three amazing roomies!)
Well, I'm super, duper tired and am fading as I write this... So signing off till tomorrow!
Follow my journey via www.backtolifemovement.com where they will be posting video updates three times a day :)
Elisha (she is from Alaska, we were able to meet up at the Seattle airport, she is same age and one of the walkers) and I had a non-stop flight from Seattle to Houston, we're picked up by some amazing volunteers (a older couple) who took us out to lunch and then dropped us off at the hotel where all the other girls were. So good to finally be able to see the girls in person! I kept hearing people saying, "it feels surreal..." and it does! We had a big family dinner and then a big family meeting and then we prayed together and it was so amazing! I feel so, so connected with everyone (plus I have three amazing roomies!)
Well, I'm super, duper tired and am fading as I write this... So signing off till tomorrow!
Follow my journey via www.backtolifemovement.com where they will be posting video updates three times a day :)
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Update: March 13
unPLANNED Book Review
by Abby Johnson

This story revealed more about the deception Planned Parenthood uses in convincing all their employees to be pro-abortion- like saying that a baby is just a fetus, a lump of flesh. Abby was drawn to Planned Parenthood because they want to help women in crisis, she wanted to be there for women who needed comfort. American needs to be awaken to these deceptions and lies, so that we can expose Planned Parenthood true motives of 'helping' women, by raising the number of abortions.
The many times I have stood outside of Planned Parenthood, praying that God would end abortion and bringing healing and restoration to those who have had abortions; I have thought, "Are my prayers doing anything? Do they really count?" I know that those thoughts were from the enemy, trying to bring doubt and to discredit my prayers. I know that every single prayer counts towards the ending of a death decree in our generation. Just like it took years for Abby to fully recognize what was happening inside Planned Parenthood, but there were people praying for her outside the fence, every week! This confirmed to me that my prayers count! We may never know what is going on inside the abortion clinic we are praying outside of...
But don't take my words for it, here is what others are saying....
“Unplanned is a powerful and compelling testimony of the power of prayer and love. A story of courage, conviction and conversion, the book will draw you into Abby’s life and her journey as her eyes are opened to the truth.”
Dr. Alveda C. King
Pastoral Associate, Priests for Life; Founder, King for America; Niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Abby walked out of the abortion industry and into my office just next door. After seeing her transformation from running a Planned Parenthood clinic to joining our efforts to help women and save lives, I believe that anyone can change their mind on abortion.”
Shawn Carney
Campaign Director, 40 Days for Life
“Think love and kindness can’t make a difference in the abortion debate? Read Abby Johnson’s story and find out how a pro-life ministry’s peaceful and respectful witness forever changed the heart of this former Planned Parenthood clinic director.”
Jim Daly
President, Focus on the Family
Abby Johnson is currently working on a documentary about her story- watch the trailer below.
To learn more about Abby Johnson and unPLANNED, visit their website: unPLANNED
40 days for life,
Abby Johnson,
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Update: March 9th

At the end of the film, a quote came up on the screen that caught my attention...
This quote speaks to me- unless I do something in combating abortion, nothing is going to change in my generation. Because if everyone says someone else will do something, then nothing will change. Unless we act and pray and fast, about 4,000 babies will die a day (Ok, to put that number into perspective. On a super duper clear night, you can only see about 2,000 stars with your naked eye. Now double that number and you get the amount of babies murdered, in one day!) We must combine action with our words. Gone are the days of being on the fence. You are either pro-life or pro-abortion.
At one point, the Lorax says, “I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees. I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues.” (Dr. Seuss)
How easily I can change the wording... "I am Anna, I speak for the unborn. I speak for the babies who have no voice" Just like the Lorax was sadden by the death of the trees, we should be the ones crying out and saying "enough!" over the death of 54 million babies in our nation!
Now... Some of you might be thinking I'm going a little over the top about abortion, but innocent blood shed is one thing the Lord hates.
"There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him:
haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,
a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil,
a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers." - Proverbs 6:16-19
Jesus I pled Your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation. God end abortion and send revival!
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Update: March 8th
Last night at sunset started Purim, which goes through tonight (the 8th). I have never really celebrated Jewish holidays, but with this one being connected with Esther, I wanted to :)
For those of you that don't know what Purim is- go read the Book of Esther :) Ok, I'll give you a short version :)
(Esther 4:13-17)
As you know, Esther went before the King, asked him and Haman to a banquet, twice; then spoke her request. Haman was hung and the Jewish people were saved! So, to remember for generations to come, how God had used a poor Jewish orphan, who became queen for such a time and saved the whole Jewish people!
Praise and Prayer:
Thank you for all your prayers! I can't believe that I am only a week away from travel!!!
For those of you that don't know what Purim is- go read the Book of Esther :) Ok, I'll give you a short version :)
![]() |
From movie, "One Night with the King" |
Esther, a poor Jewish orphan, is made queen of all of Susa, but keeps hidden her Jewish identity. I few years pass and Haman, an Agagite (his ancestors were all suppose to be killed by the King of Israel, but the King disobeyed God and didn't kill the king and queen. The queen, who was pregnant, escaped and vowed that one of her decedents would kill the Jews...) So, Haman hated the Jewish people. He made up a sneaky way to tell King Xerxes to 'get rid of' a people that 'caused problems'. The King gave Haman power to do what he wanted. When the annihilation of the Jews came to Mordecai's attentions (Mordecai is Esther's uncle, who took her in when she became orphaned), he tore his clothes, put on sackcloth and ashes and wept and went through the city. He went as far as the Kings gate (no one was allowed past the gate in sackcloth). Esther heard about him and sent him a message, he responded after he told her what had happened, "...Do not think to yourself that in the king's palace you will escape any more than all the other Jews. For if you keep silent at this time, relief and deliverance will rise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” Then Esther told them to reply to Mordecai, “Go, gather all the Jews to be found in Susa, and hold a fast on my behalf, and do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my young women will also fast as you do. Then I will go to the king, though it is against the law, and if I perish, I perish.” Mordecai then went away and did everything as Esther had ordered him."
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If you want to watch a great movie about
Esther, "One Night with the King" is amazing!! |
Praise and Prayer:
- Jesus is worth it all!
- The Lord has provided so much for me! I received $500 in the mail yesterday!
- A friend paid for me airfare home!
- One week away from leaving for Houston! I don't quite feel ready...
- Physical health and healing; my knee isn't feeling 100%
Thank you for all your prayers! I can't believe that I am only a week away from travel!!!
Back to Life,
back to life movement,
Live Action,
Monday, March 5, 2012
Training Update: March 2-5
Hey All-
The past week has been a whirlwind, with the death of a dear friend, it has been a rough week... We had a memorial service on Saturday, on Sunday it was hard being at church, where she was so involved.... Doing better now :)
As for training, I've been walking everyday. In the past few days, I've done over 25 miles, mostly alone (with my faithful dog :) and a few with Jamie, Mom, Dad or a sibling :)
We are only a few days away from the Back to Life Walk! I leave in 10 days to fly to beautiful, sunny Texas! (I'm excited to see sun!)
God has continued to come through with finances, I have been able to pay for my ground fees ($1500) and my airfare down to TX and someone has offered to buying my airfare back from TX this week! I have a few miscellaneous items I need to buy still... God is so faithful in providing my needs!
The past week has been a whirlwind, with the death of a dear friend, it has been a rough week... We had a memorial service on Saturday, on Sunday it was hard being at church, where she was so involved.... Doing better now :)
As for training, I've been walking everyday. In the past few days, I've done over 25 miles, mostly alone (with my faithful dog :) and a few with Jamie, Mom, Dad or a sibling :)
We are only a few days away from the Back to Life Walk! I leave in 10 days to fly to beautiful, sunny Texas! (I'm excited to see sun!)
God has continued to come through with finances, I have been able to pay for my ground fees ($1500) and my airfare down to TX and someone has offered to buying my airfare back from TX this week! I have a few miscellaneous items I need to buy still... God is so faithful in providing my needs!
Back to Life,
back to life movement,
Jesus Christ,
Washington State
Thursday, March 1, 2012
(reposting from www.Bound4Life.com)
Washington State Moves Closer to Forced Abortion Coverage
By Susan Michelle • February 29, 2012 04:12 PM
On Monday the National Abortion Federation praised a lack of choice. It tweeted this:
AWESOME! #Wash. could be first to #require #abortion coverage http://bit.ly/wGms4U #prochoice #trustwomen #fem2 #reprorights
You read that right—requiring abortion coverage is “awesome” even though it displays no choice.
The story the tweet references is found here. It says in part:
At a time when many states are making it harder for women to get abortions, Washington state appears headed in the opposite direction.
Fifteen states have passed laws restricting insurers from covering abortions and 12 others are considering similar measures. By contrast, a bill that has passed Washington's House and is working its way through the Senate would make the state the first to require all health insurance plans under its jurisdiction - except those claiming a conscience-based exemption - to include abortion coverage.
The measure, HB 2330, would do so by requiring insurers who cover maternity care, which Washington insurers are mandated to provide, to also pay for abortions. New York is the only other state considering similar rules, according to the Guttmacher Institute, which tracks women's health-related legislation.
The NAF is proving what we’ve known for a long time: the only choice they care about is their own. The very idea that they would rejoice that pro-lifers’ choices would be disregarded, that our medical coverage would require abortions, and that this should be celebratory instead of disgraceful is a disgrace in itself which proves the perverted nature of the industry that calls itself a proponent of choice. Local residents aren’t rejoicing either. Few ask what the pro-lifers think in such legislation.
Our local chapter leader Michelle Butler, notes that Washington is often known of as one of the least religious states in the nation and says:
More than ever we need Gideon's army to rise up during this crisis. We are at a crossroads and I believe Heaven is asking, where are my people, where are those who will stand in the gap? I am petitioning Washington residents to fast and pray regarding this issue. As the battle for the unborn continues to rage you can be assured that there is a remnant of people fighting for justice for the unborn. We will not rest until the womb is once again the safest place for a baby.
A local pro-lifer adds:
I think it is reprehensible that the people in my state who are forced to pay for insurance through their jobs, will in effect be paying for someone to murder children through abortion, and there will be nothing to do about it should this law pass. Furthermore I find it appalling that so many thousands of people called and emailed Governor Gregoire ‘s office that the phone lines were jammed for days asking her and her assistants to PLEASE not sign the bill. It did not make one bit of difference to them what we all thought, or wanted. Apparently we have no say in how anything gets done in our own state. -Cheryl Rector
Even pro-choice people should, if they are true to the value of choice, be alarmed by this legislation. This isn’t about choice in the slightest; it's about forced abortion coverage. It’s bad enough our nation is currently trying to force abortive birth control, so much so that states are filing lawsuits against the nation. In the middle of this mess, the state of Washington turns around and decided that wasn’t enough and it must force abortion coverage on everyone? The escapists comment is “don’t use it if you don’t need it,” but that’s not good enough.
Let me make this clear: I will not be the person who stands before Jesus one day and says “well, I know I ended up paying for 4.3 abortions, but the government made me.”
Please use this link to take you directly to a web page from the governor’s office and tell her that pro-choice means everyone has a choice. Here’s more contact information from Bound4LIFE Spokane.
Tell your state legislators to oppose HB 2330 which will allow abortion coverage. Go to http://www.leg.wa.gov/pages/home.aspx or call 800-562-6000 and let your voice be heard for the unborn.
Choice for one must mean choice for all. Even if you’re pro-choice, this may be a right you value next when you let government usurp the will of the people in this manner. Please contact the Washington state governor and legislature and remind them that residents have the constitutional right to not pay for someone else's abortion.
To learn more about Bound4Life visit their website
Back to Life,
Matt Lockett,
Planned Parenthood,
WA HB 2330,
Washington State
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