Thursday, March 1, 2012

(reposting from

Washington State Moves Closer to Forced Abortion Coverage

By Susan Michelle  
On Monday the National Abortion Federation praised a lack of choice. It tweeted this:
AWESOME! #Wash. could be first to #require #abortion coverage #prochoice #trustwomen #fem2 #reprorights
You read that right—requiring abortion coverage is “awesome” even though it displays no choice.
The story the tweet references is found here. It says in part:
At a time when many states are making it harder for women to get abortions, Washington state appears headed in the opposite direction.
Fifteen states have passed laws restricting insurers from covering abortions and 12 others are considering similar measures. By contrast, a bill that has passed Washington's House and is working its way through the Senate would make the state the first to require all health insurance plans under its jurisdiction - except those claiming a conscience-based exemption - to include abortion coverage.
The measure, HB 2330, would do so by requiring insurers who cover maternity care, which Washington insurers are mandated to provide, to also pay for abortions. New York is the only other state considering similar rules, according to the Guttmacher Institute, which tracks women's health-related legislation.
The NAF is proving what we’ve known for a long time: the only choice they care about is their own. The very idea that they would rejoice that pro-lifers’ choices would be disregarded, that our medical coverage would require abortions, and that this should be celebratory instead of disgraceful is a disgrace in itself which proves the perverted nature of the industry that calls itself a proponent of choice.  Local residents aren’t rejoicing either. Few ask what the pro-lifers think in such legislation.
Our local chapter leader Michelle Butler, notes that Washington is often known of as one of the least religious states in the nation and says:
More than ever we need Gideon's army to rise up during this crisis. We are at a crossroads and I believe Heaven is asking, where are my people, where are those who will stand in the gap?  I am petitioning Washington residents to fast and pray regarding this issue. As the battle for the unborn continues to rage you can be assured that there is a remnant of people fighting for justice for the unborn. We will not rest until the womb is once again the safest place for a baby.
A local pro-lifer adds:
I think it is reprehensible that the people in my state who are forced to pay for insurance through their jobs, will in effect be paying for someone to murder children through abortion, and there will be nothing to do about it should this law pass. Furthermore I find it appalling that so many thousands of people called and emailed Governor Gregoire ‘s  office that the phone lines were jammed for days asking her and her assistants to PLEASE not sign the bill. It did not make one bit of difference to them what we all thought, or wanted. Apparently we have no say in how anything gets done in our own state. -Cheryl Rector
Even pro-choice people should, if they are true to the value of choice, be alarmed by this legislation. This isn’t about choice in the slightest; it's about forced abortion coverage. It’s bad enough our nation is currently trying to force abortive birth control, so much so that states are filing lawsuits against the nation. In the middle of this mess, the state of Washington turns around and decided that wasn’t enough and it must force abortion coverage on everyone? The escapists comment is “don’t use it if you don’t need it,” but that’s not good enough.
Let me make this clear: I will not be the person who stands before Jesus one day and says “well, I know I ended up paying for 4.3 abortions, but the government made me.”
Please use this link to take you directly to a web page from the governor’s office and tell her that pro-choice means everyone has a choice.  Here’s more contact information from Bound4LIFE Spokane.
Tell your state legislators to oppose HB 2330 which will allow abortion coverage. Go to or call 800-562-6000 and let your voice be heard for the unborn.
Choice for one must mean choice for all. Even if you’re pro-choice, this may be a right you value next when you let government usurp the will of the people in this manner. Please contact the Washington state governor and legislature and remind them that residents have the constitutional right to not pay for someone else's abortion.

To learn more about Bound4Life visit their website

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