Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My Justice Journey: Days 9-11

I know, I know... I'm failing at this whole blog post thing... I wish I could post some photos, but it won't let me:) I've tried again.... And again...

Ok... So the past few days have been pretty good!

Day 9: Today we focused on praying for our leadership and that the value of life would be seen and that the leaders would choose LIFE. We only did 4 miles today, but the whole time we were praying and interceding for our government! It was an emotionally hard day... At the end of the day, we finished all of us 39 in a big circle and prayed for justice to reign supreme in our country. Near the end of the prayer time, we spontaneously started singing, "America, God shed His grace on thee" and later we found out that a group of people who we at the supreme court, praying that ObamaCare would pass, sung that song! We finished the night out by having our backs adjusted by some amazing chiropractors, who donated their time! (and drove over an hour to us) We felt so blessed by them (and our backs loved it!)

Day 10: This morning Papa Lou Engel did a conference call with us all and spoke some encouraging words over us and prayed for us! Great way to start the day! We did 18 miles today! Ok... Not as a whole team... We broke up into three teams, each team doing 6 miles! It was a great tag-team effort and finished the walk (over many hills!) in record time! After I finished my 6 miles (I was in team 2) a group of us went to this amazing BBQ places called, County Cousins BBQ... Let me just say it was amazing!!! (I had an amazing stuffed baked potato, with BBQ beef!!). I had a few hours till dinner, so I rested and had some God time in my room... Such a good day!

Day 11: This is the day that the Lord has made! I shall rejoice and be glad in it! Today we were back to a more normal milage, a nice and even number- 12 :) ( yea, I know... That sounds like a lot... But it isn't really...) after the walk, we stretched (which we do every day, before and after for about 20-30min) then some of us girls went to the local high school and took and an ice bath! Yes, there was a tube filled with ice cold water and ice cues and I sat in it for five minutes... It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be! I can't wait to do it again! After that fun ordeal, we barely had time to come back to the hotel and shower and get ready for dinner. The local church (Church in the Hills) has been absolutely amazing! They have provided us with three yummy meals, plus lots of protein bars, fruit, trail mix and sports drinks for the walk! We have been spoiled by them! Today was the first day that I have been completely exhausted at the end of the day... I about to go to sleep :)

Praise the Lord that is is day 11 and j am still blister and injury free! Thanks for all the prayer, encouraging text and emails! As of today, we have walked 140.74 miles and are over 1/2 way to Dallas! (yesterday we walked through Centerville, TX- the half way mark between Houston and Dallas!)

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